Wednesday, April 30

Why pumpernickle, seltzer water and garden cake

I've definitely been enjoying the cool, crisp and refreshing carbonation of the seltzer water over soft drinks for a while now. Mixed with juice or straight, it's fine by me. But check this out. Kool Keith brings his lucid rationale into perspective as he explains why he enjoys seltzer water, too and then some. Have a pen and paper ready to jot down some tips!

Monday, April 28

Bust a Bucket!

I'm getting pretty psyched for next season with Oden and crew. Thought of sharing the love, Blazers style with you all. This is sure to get you rockin'!

Sunday, April 27

Chalie Rose by Samuel Becket

I don't know if you have ever sat through a Charlie Rose interview, but I always get tense. Maybe its the all black studio with just him and his guest, sitting there, alone in the world. Somehow it always seems to slowly ratchet the tension. He could interview Smurfette, and his ultra serious tone and trenchant questioning would soon illustrate the smurfs' ongoing troubles with Gargamel as a showdown between shareholder capitalism and the evil bumbling state; or at least that is what i think he is about to do. Perhaps that is why this 'mash up' of his overbearing inquisitiveness in the style of 'Waiting for Godot' playwrite and 'pregnant pause'-master Samuel Becket is so spot on and utterly hilarious.

Saturday, April 26

Developing world disco

If you love to get down in foreign countries and exotic locales like I do - Ottowa anyone? - then you have probably been exposed to the synth stylings of the Vengaboys. From the video it is difficult to tell who is in the group, you know, playing the synths. It could be the girls, but really?! I could tell you who drives the Vengabus, but that is neither here nor there.

-We like to party-

Wednesday, April 23

80s mix download

there it is. not exactly what you found on the mux mix, but you get the picture. as a matter of fact, it's right below:

best rap video evar

This is totally insane. i really think...i don't know what. part crazy LCD, part documentary...all gilla.

Sunday, April 20

Battle: Final Round

Here is some footage of the our battle the other day. Who do you think won?

OK, so maybe that wasn't our battle. But if you like this you should look on the original youtube page for some great comments, such as:
"yoooo that marv-o nigga is fruity lol...they fucked up with that one"
"I'm the best, man! I did it!"
"I thought I heard bisexual bible shower... haha"

Saturday, April 19

Screw Steriods! Get Thirsty!

For your next battle, you better get yourself some of this. Shit will turn you into Cassidy freestyling, times a grizzly bear on the moon, squared.

Thursday, April 17


We got a freestyle battle tomorrow in school. hopefully this will be a forshadow/preview of things to come...

-cassidy is crazy-

Monday, April 14

Special Synth Mix

I just pulled some of the tasty 80s and late 70s synth jams form my internet picks and threw em together in this mixtape.

Yep it's got some classics: Gary Newman, Phil Collins, Giorgio, even some Cameo.

What I'm trying to say is, you should probably take about three goofballs and smoke a magic mushroom out of a fanta bottle - gravity-bong style - before you even think about clicking that link. I just can't/won't be responsible for what might happen:

Sunday, April 13

Jesus's side hustle

I love ghetto movies. This one is pretty ghetto.

Original score as well. Great synth work. Acceptably interesting fight choreography,fantastic dubbing...Gets pretty close to ninja bachelor party.

-where have all of our lesbians gone?-

Saturday, April 12

For Posterity

Nothing like taking one in the neck.

Thursday, April 10

donkey sean vs donkey kong

Some dude high on angel dust and birth control pills went all out in making this video.

music: solidify
visuals: channeled from 20 gay unicorns

-unicorns are very rare-

Tuesday, April 8

so many albums

For all you freshness gluttons, there are a pantload of fantastic 80s/90s hiphops albums in the expanded internets portal. Just putting that out there. Enjoy! I have to go eat 20 snackers now.

Monday, April 7

Everyone needs a little magic

Feeling pretty drained with grind and knew where to go to get a special lift.

Two spliffs of the green now my eyes chinese . . .