Saturday, May 2

The Anti-Roth

In keeping with the "posting white people who can rap, who don't suck balls like Asher Roth" theme, here is your boy from the Bay Dirt MF Nasty.

Been a minute since i saw something from dirt nasty (that 1980 was some crap), but this guy is back, being dirt dumb. His acting is on point too; the reaction to "el guapo" is nice.

Shout outs to Oakland, biotch.


  1. by the way this guy was the mtv VJ known as Simon Rex. WTF.

  2. Yeah, Simon Rex was on MTV. You do have to watch out for cousin Smokey. However, I disagree and think Asher Roth is actually good. That other stuff with the RA post is something else. Might be garbage. Might be.


No skulduggery i hope.