Monday, January 7

all day sun!

-are those real dreads?-

Did I mention that I'm watching movies all day at 66stage. High-quality Divx ish. Here is a sampling of the movies they are now (and I mean right now, they get can deleted mad quick) playing:

Lions for Lambs (2007) p1
Lions for Lambs (2007) p2
Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
Casino (1995)
Superbad (2007)

Charlie Wilson's War (2007)
Shoot 'Em Up (2007)
Blades Of Glory (2007) p1
Blades Of Glory (2007) p2
Blades Of Glory (2007) p3
Team America: World Police (2004) p1
Team America: World Police (2004) p2
Team America: World Police (2004) p3

If you're like me and you don't have a t.v., watching free movies on your computer is like the ambrosia of the Greek and Roman titans (watch them clash!).

I'm off to get the good leads. ABC bitches!

1 comment:

No skulduggery i hope.